Work in collaboration with Alix Boilot
HD Video
01 : 05 : 00
Production : French Academy, Villa Medici, Rome
Kerkouane-Petrosino is a collaboration between Ismaïl Bahri and Alix Boillot, both fellows at the Villa Médicis, Rome. Water, central in Alix Boillot's research in Rome, a binder par excellence, becomes the element of the dialogue carried out with Ismaïl Bahri, who is essentially interested in the observation and recording of everything which, in the matter, is destined to transform. Ismaïl Bahri and Alix Boillot arranged to meet on May 13, 2024, he on the Tunisian shore, she on the Sicilian shore, as close as possible to each other. They will film, face to face, the horizon line that separates them. From Kerkouane he will film towards the north-east (56°), from Petrosino she will film towards the south-west (236°). The timeline will be imposed by the sun, whose zeniths – 12:11 p.m. (UTC+1) in Kerkouane, 1:06 p.m. (UTC+2) in Petrosino – will constitute the heart of the video.