
Galerie de l’UQAM Montreal 2017


Group show
Artists : Anonymous, Anonymous Membre of Sonderkommando D’auschwitz-Birkenau, Paul Abreu, Dennis Adams, Magdeleine Arbour, Alethea Arnaquq-Baril, Art & Language, Antonin Artaud, Ever Astudillo Delgado, Hugo Aveta, Ismaïl Bahri, Marcel Barbeau, Artur Barrio, Georges Bataille, Taysir Batniji, Charles Baudelaire, Rebecca Belmore, Francisca Benitez, Ruth Berlau, Dominique Blain, Paul-Émile Borduas, Bruno Boudjelal, Désiré-Magloire Bourneville, Shary Boyle, André Breton, Marcel Broodthaers, Maurice Bulbulian, Gilles Caron, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Augustín Victor Casasola, Cornélius Castoriadis, Claude Cattelain, Agustí Centelles, Alain Chagnon, Champfleury, Chieh-Jen Chen, Pascal Convert, Bruno Cormier, Gustave Courbet, Honoré Daumier, Armand Dayot, Guy Debord, Marcel Duchamp, Carl Einstein, Élie Faure, Marcelle Ferron-Hamelin , Michel Foucault, Leonard Freed, Gisèle Freund, Michel Gauthier, Marcel Gautherot, Claude Gauvreau, Pierre Gauvreau, Agnès Geoffray, Jochen Gerz, Eduardo Gil, Stéphane Gilot, Jack Goldstein, Muriel Guilbault, Raymond Hains, Ken Hamblin, Raoul Hausmann, Arpad Hazafi, Bernard Heidsieck, Alleg Henri, Jerónimo Hernández, William Hogarth, Alvaro Hoppe, Victor Hugo, Richard Ibghy, Mat Jacob, Mario Jean, Asger Jorn, Natasha Kanapé Fontaine, Tsubasa Kato, Dmitri Kessel, Herbert Kirchhoff, Alberto Korda, Eustachy Kossakowski, Maria Kourkouta, Germaine Krull, Hiroji Kubota, Suzy Lake, Michèle Lalonde, Fernand Leduc, Thérèse Leduc, Marilou Lemmens, Jérôme Lindon, Héctor López, Germán Marin, Eduardo Menz, Jasmina Metwaly, Henri Michaux, Tina Modotti, Ernesto Molina, Robert Morris, Pedro Motta, Jean-Luc Moulène, Jean-Paul Mousseau, Jacques Nadeau, Friedrich Nietzsche, Voula Papaioannou, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Estefanía Peñafiel Loaiza, Maurice Perron, Jean-Marc Piotte, Édouard Plante-Fréchette, Enrique Ramírez, Jacques Rancière, Man Ray, Louise Renaud, Réseau Buckmaster, Hans Richter, Françoise Riopelle, Jean Paul Riopelle, Willy Römer, Pedro G. Romero, Willy Ronis, Jesús Ruiz Durand, Blaire Russell, Graciela Sacco, Armando Salgado, Álvaro Sarmiento, Allan Sekula, David Seymour, Mina Shum, Peter Sibbald, Roman Signer, Lorna Simpson, Michael Snow, Philippe Soupault, Françoise Sullivan, Gabor Szilasi, Paul-Henri Talbot, Charles Toubin, Fina Torres, Étienne Tremblay-Tardif, Félix Vallotton, Andrew Vaughan, Jean Veber, Wolf Vostell, Joyce Wieland, Malcolme Wilde Browne, Gil Joseph Wolman

Curator : Georges Didi-Huberman

Organized and circulated by Jeu de Paume, Paris

Galerie de l’UQAM / Montreal
September 7 - November 24, 2018

Link to the event



ISBN : 978-2-07-019-683-8
Gallimard Publishing

Uprisings is a cross-disciplinary exhibition on the theme of collective emotions and also political events where they involve crowds of people in revolt. It will be about social disorder, political agitation, uprisings, rebellions, revolts, revolutions, racket and riots – disturbances of all kinds. In order to anchor the project in the Canadian historical and political context, the Montréal version of the exhibition will be enhanced with archives, press photos and contemporary works by Quebec and Canadian artists.

Exhibition view, Galerie de l’UQAM, Montreal, 2018

Uprisings interrogates the notion of the representation of the peoples in both the aesthetic and the political senses of the word “representation”. The exhibition is based on theoretical and historiographical work carried out by Georges Didi-Huberman over a number of years, notably in a series of books entitled L’œil de l’histoire [The Eye of History], the later volumes of which deal with the question of “peoples on display”, and with emotion – given that emotion needs to be included in a work of political anthropology. The notion of uprising will be dealt with through various media: writers’ manuscripts, paintings, drawings, engravings, photographs, and films.

Ismaïl Bahri, Blank film (Film à blanc), Video still, 2013

Canadian content

The version of the exhibition Uprisings presented in Montreal will be enhanced by Quebec and Canadian content to anchor the project in the historical and political North American context that is ours. In addition to the touring works, about fifteen documentary photographs, more than fifteen contemporary works and various archival documents speaking directly to or evoking various uprisings that have shaken our society (Sir George Williams University case, 2012 student strike, Idle No More, abortion rights, Africville, Corridart, etc.) From the desire for emancipation of French-speaking people from Québec to indigenous struggles to feminist and anti-racist claims, the added content, without pretending to be exhaustive, intends to suggest the plurality of struggles that animate us.

Ismaïl Bahri, Blank film (Film à blanc), Video still, 2013