Oblique Strategies
Group show
Artists : Felice Varini, Wilfredo Prieto, Christophe Berdaguer et Marie Péjus, Quentin Lefranc, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Jason Dodge, Angela Detanico, Rafael Lain, Charbel-Joseph H. Boutros, Romain Gandolphe, Charles Sandison, Robert Barry, Ismaïl Bahri
Martine Aboucaya Gallery / Paris
February 1 - 22, 2020
Press release / pdf / Français
This exhibition, built on immateriality, unfolds in two parts and brings together in the first part documents, ideas, protocols, and proposals from twelve artists. The second part will also include performances, installations, and interventions from writers. Most of the works will be different in the two parts. Oblique Strategies is the third proposal from the Voix Off Collective.
The Voix Off Collective is composed of an indefinite number of participants. Methodically formed and nurtured by desire, friendship, and trust, this definitively anonymous group of amateurs, dreamers, and researchers aims to modestly invent possible alternatives to current assumptions by surrounding itself with sensitive and committed artists. With ambitious and fun missions, the group solicits, chooses, proposes, produces, and engages with sincerity and lightness.