Intentions fragiles
Curator : Marie Doyon
Galerie Les Filles du calvaire, Paris
30 Jun 2011 - 23 Jul 2011
Ismail Bahri, Taysir Batniji, Walead Beshty, Julie Chaumette, François Daireaux, Isabelle Ferreira, James Hyde, Bernhard Kahrmann, Jérémy Laffon, Jim Lee, Colombe Marcasiano, Vincent Mauger, Joris van de Moortel, Paul Pouvreau
The exhibition questions the notion of fragility related to issues of volume and space by bringing together works of different natures: photographs, sculptures, installations, drawings and videos. This proposal associates artists from various geographical horizons, recently discovered, with others more recognized. And if the variety of the languages can question, it is a question of making dialogue around a topic of polysemic practices, to make emerge the intuitive bonds and the unexpected visual affinities that the scenography allows to highlight.
In this exhibition, fragility often appears in the tension of materials and through a search for precarious balance. Some artists go so far as to abuse the material and push it to the limit of rupture or disappearance. In certain cases, the hypothesis of the destruction of the work itself is posed.