Ghosting of beings and worlds

Gray Noise Dubai 2017


Ismaïl Bahri, Dénouement, Video still, 2011


Ghosting of beings and worlds

Group show
Artists : Ismaïl Bahri, Charbel-joseph H. Boutros, Paul Hage Boutros, Laurent Derobert, Rodrigo Hernández, Ange Leccia, Dala Nasser, Stéphanie Saadé, Vittorio Santoro

Gray Noise / Dubai
May 22 - July 31, 2017

Link to the exhibition

The title of this exhibition is borrowed from the essay "Mathémathiques Existentielles” by the French artist Laurent Derobert. In his work, Derobert tries to capture with mathematical formulas, impalpable feelings and emotions, using mathematical formulas as ghost traps.

The environment presented here unfurls in works by nine international artists. A ghostly presence seems to emanate from the works and hovers over the exhibition, creating a kind of familiarity among the seemingly scattered and heterogeneous pieces of the installation.

André Breton begins his novel “Nadja” with a twist of the Descartian slogan:

I haunt, therefore I am.

The strategy of ghosting is a common aspect salient in this exhibition;
Ghosting as a manner to avoid a pandemy of prosaic political discourse in the art world,
Ghosting as an oblique manoeuvre to narrate history,
Ghosting as a way to infiltrate a milieu saturated with speculation,

It is under this particular lense that the presented works could be read.

Ismaïl Bahri's video Dénouement plays on the slow and ghostly apparition of a human figure, from a diaphanous smudge.