Collective Collection

BBB Art Center Toulouse 2015
Ismaïl Bahri, Line, Video still, 2011

Collective Collection 

Group show
Artists : Boris Achour, Carl Andre, Ismaïl Bahri, Robert Barry, Oliver Beer, Katinka Bock, Pavel Büchler, Stefan Brüggemann, Eduardo Chillida, Marie Cool, Fabio Balducci, Chloé Dugit-Gros, Aurélien Froment, Laurent Grasso, Philippe Halsman, Pierre Huyghe, Cinthia Marcelle, Fabien Mérelle, Wilfredo Prieto, Olivier Sévère, Ignacio Uriatre, Philippe Ramette, Andy Warhol, John Wood and Paul Harrison, Eric Yahnker

Curators : Cécile Poblon and Laurent Fiévet

BBB Art Center / Toulouse
October 8 - 25, 2014

Link to the event


Invited by the BBB, artist and collector Laurent Fiévet presents part of his private collection in this three-part exhibition. The title "Collective Collection" highlights not just the collective nature of the exhibition, but also the existence of communities, artistic networks, and the shared experience brought to life through the displayed collection.

Collective Collection, Part 1

To celebrate the BBB's 20th anniversary and explore themes of art, love, pleasure, passion, outrage, adventure, discovery, and wonder, the art center is dedicating its exhibition space to a unique and liberating private collection of contemporary art, shared with a wide audience. This collection belongs to Laurent Fiévet, an artist and collector who also initiated a corporate collection.

A selection of contemporary works and narratives will be curated specifically for the BBB art center's space. Visitors will encounter historical figures, major artists from the French and international scenes, as well as equally exciting young creators.